Kerkstraat 427, Amsterdam
OPENING of the exhibition:
6th of March ,
open till 10.04.2010
I am going back to Amsterdam with my minimalistic graphic work of COLOUR FACTORY, which some of you already know.
I will also show my new project in progress: "Barcodes",based on analog - supersampler (lomo) - photographs.
This new project, whose essence is the element of surprise, spontaneity and unpredictability, is in fact my attempt to provide a completion and counterbalance to the shots from the "Colour Factory" collection, which were constructed with almost mathematical precision.
The supersampler photos provide a technical, as well as an emotional balance to my earlier work.
Marzena Gregier, a "nouvelle cuisine" of urban space aficionado is back with a new series of photographs which I would call "urban salads". Structures and buildings 'shredded" with a lomo-type camera, shaken and stirred with patches of sky will be the nutritious and aesthetically pleasing food for thought of those who crave for good artistic experience. The guarantee of freshness is Marzena's delicious and exquisite taste. Bon appetit!
(by tomasz alwaysdesun zając)
Marzena Gregier, miłośniczka dobrej kuchni powraca serią nowych zdjęć, które nazwałbym "miejskimi sałatkami". Budowle i budynki poszatkowane aparatem typu lomo, wstrząśnięte i wymieszane ze skrawkami nieba będą pożywną i estetycznie podaną strawą dla złaknionych dobrej sztuki. Gwarancją świeżości jest wyśmienity gust Marzeny. Smacznego.
(tekst tomasz alwaysdesun zając)
Magnific post!!!
thank you :)
ReplyDeletebest regards.